Title | View Application | Award Type | Original Owner | Name of farm or ranch | Year of Property Acquisition | Original Acreage | Current Acreage | Acreage farmed or ranched today | Donation land claim | Dlc num and registration location | Homestead | Homestead Information | Other | Please explain | Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters | County | Address physical location | GPS location | Distance from nearest town | Nearest town name | Who farms or ranches today | Original buildings still in use | Building structures on property with date of construction | Crops or livestock historically raised on property | Crops or livestock currently raised on property | National register property | National register name | Notes and comments property | Date of application | Date of award | Please describe attachments | Genealogical information included | Application on file | Application location | Applicants relationship to original owners | Origin of original owners | Ethnic origin of original owners | How many generations still live on the farm or ranch |
CFR0755 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Cox, Lewis | 1848 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Linn |
8 miles NE of Albany |
Cox, Orie H. (Mr. and Mrs.) | No | One | Cattle, sheep, grain. | Hay, grain, cattle. | No |
200 acres in original farm. 85 acres in present farm. Farm was divided 3 times. |
Sunday, November 30, 1975 | 1976 |
Application; Certification of ownership. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson | Ohio | 1 | ||||||||||
CFR0179 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Cox, Solomon | 1852 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | Yes | Sec 34 T 15 S R 5 W | No | No | Lane |
Cox Butte Road |
Mikkelsen, Brochner; Mikkelsen, Arlene Cox | No | no | Oats; Wheat; Black Percheron... | At time of application: Alta... | No |
William T. and Nancy J. Roberson sold DLC to Solomon Cox in 1858. Benjamin Cox sold 80 acres to Solomon Cox in 1869. Diana Cox to J. D. Cox, the north portion of the Samuel Cox DLC in 1892. |
Monday, November 30, 1964 | 1965 |
Applications; Certifications of ownership; Map; Deed. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | great granddaughter | Missouri | 2 | |||||||||
CFR0290 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Coyle, Michael | 1855 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | Yes |
Purchased from Isaac N. Alawson and Ceriel and Sarah Bertrand. |
Marion |
1.5 miles S of St. Paul, Oregon on Runer Road. |
Coyle, Charles Herman | No | Grains, Seed crops, Pasture | No |
Original land purchased from Isaac Alawson was 318 acres. Current applicant owns 241 acres of original land. |
Saturday, November 30, 1957 | 1958 |
Application; Notarized ownership document.
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson | 0 | ||||||||||||
CFR0208 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Crabtree, John J. | 1847 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | Yes | No | No |
Sec 31 and 32 T 10 S R 1 W, W.M., containing 640 acres. |
Linn | Griffin, G. A. | No | No |
G. A. Griffin inherited 20 acres from his mother, Elizabeth Crabtree Griffin and later bought 15 and 28 acre tracts from his uncle, Newton Crabtree. |
Saturday, November 30, 1957 | 1958 |
Affidavit; Typewritten letter. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson | 0 | ||||||||||||||
CFR0846 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Craven, John K. | Craven Farms, Inc. | 1886 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
SW 1/4 of Sec 9 T 5 R 10 W, W.M., containing 160 acres. |
Tillamook |
Little Nestucca River Valley, 5 miles South of Cloverdale. |
Craven, John L., Jr.; Craven, Jeffrey | No | House built in 1902. | Beef cows, horses, oats,... | Dairy cows, improved pasture... | No | Thursday, November 30, 1989 | 1990 |
Land deed and affidavit. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson | Missouri | 3 | |||||||||
CFR0683 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Crawford, Sam | 1856 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Coos | Russell, Archie W.; Russell, Esther | No | Beef cattle; Potatoes. | At time of application: Beef... | No | Friday, November 30, 1984 | 1985 |
Application; Handwritten note; Certification of ownership; Newspaper article. |
No | Yes | OHS Field Services Files | 0 | |||||||||||||||
CFR0438 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Creighton, David C. | 1862 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Wasco | Renken, Richard L. | No | yes | Wheat, hay, apples, peaches,... | Cherries, hay, cattle. | No |
340 acres in original farm. 120 acres in present farm. |
Sunday, November 30, 1969 | 1970 |
Application; Certification of ownership; Endorsement page. Recorded history of David Creighton from An Illustrated History of Central Oregon; Western Historical Publishing Company Publishers; Spokane, Washington, 1905. |
Yes | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson | Columbus, Ohio | 1 | |||||||||||
CFR0527 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Crimmins, John | 1866 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | Yes | John B. Pennington DLC | No | No | Yamhill | Crimmins, Orval S. | No | House. | Livestock, grain. | Livestock, grain. | No |
140 acres in original farm. 87 acres in present farm. John Crimmins married the daughter of John B. Pennington, original DLC holder. |
Sunday, November 30, 1969 | 1970 |
Application; Certification of ownership. |
Yes | Yes | Mss 1604 | great grandchild | Ireland | 3 | ||||||||||
CFR0642 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Crisell, William A. | 1868 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Clackamas | Crisell, Glenn (Mr. and Mrs.) | No | Graveled road originally used... | Hops | Hay, pasture, grain, beef. | No |
640 acres in original farm. 120 acres in present farm. |
Friday, November 30, 1973 | 1974 |
Application; Certification of ownership. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson | St. Joseph, Missouri | 2 | |||||||||||
CFR0647 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Crisell, William A. | 1868 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Clackamas | Crisell, Elmer H. | No | one | Grain | Grain, red clover. | No |
305 acres in original farm. 40 acres in present farm. Farm divided twice. |
Sunday, November 30, 1975 | 1976 |
Application; Certification of ownership. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson | unknown | 2 |