Title | View Application | Award Type | Original Owner | Name of farm or ranch | Year of Property Acquisition | Original Acreage | Current Acreage | Acreage farmed or ranched today | Donation land claim | Dlc num and registration location | Homestead | Homestead Information | Other | Please explain | Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters | County | Address physical location | GPS location | Distance from nearest town | Nearest town name | Who farms or ranches today | Original buildings still in use | Building structures on property with date of construction | Crops or livestock historically raised on property | Crops or livestock currently raised on property | National register property | National register name | Notes and comments property | Date of application | Date of award | Please describe attachments | Genealogical information included | Application on file | Application location | Applicants relationship to original owners | Origin of original owners | Ethnic origin of original owners | How many generations still live on the farm or ranch |
CFR1108 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Mostul, Thomas A.; Mostul, Elizabeth | 1904 | 60.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
T 2 South, R 3 East, S 21-22-27-28 |
Clackamas |
16200 S. Gerber Road, Oregon City, OR 97045 |
7 miles | Oregon City | Elliott, Lila; Elliott, Jim | No | Christmas trees; Corn; Flax;... | Christmas trees; Hay | No | Monday, March 13, 2006 | 2006 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Property transfer record; Record of marks and brands; Plat maps; Family history narrative; Photographs |
Yes | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | Granddaughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Mostul | North Dakota | Norwegian | 5 | ||||||||
CFR0334 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Riches, George P. S. and Mary J. | 1849 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | Yes | No | No |
section 26, 27, 34, 35 of T 7S R 1 W total of 639.39 acres |
Marion |
12 miles east of Salem in Waldo Hills area (53 acres) |
No | No |
Charles R. Riches, son of George and Mary, became owner of 373 acres of the original farm. Applicant is daughter of Charles, and owns 1/7 undivided interest in the said 373 acres. |
Saturday, November 30, 1957 | 1958 |
Application; Notarized statement. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | granddaughter | 0 | ||||||||||||||
CFR0685 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Hayes, James D. | 1889 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
T 30 R 12 Sec 26 |
Coos | Hayes, Gordon | No | no | Dairy cows, sheep, pigs,... | Beef cattle, clover, ryegrass... | No |
Sawmill was located on the Coquille River which supplied lumber for farm buildings. |
Thursday, November 30, 1989 | 1990 |
Application; Photographs; Deed, Typewritten and handwritten letters. |
Yes | Yes | Mss 1604 | Grandson | North Carolina | 2 | ||||||||||
CFR0252 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | McFarland, Rueben A. | 1852 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Linn | No | No | Sunday, November 30, 1958 | 1959 | No | No | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||
CFR0604 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Crook, Edwin | 1879 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Curry | Crook, William V.; Crook, Ron J. | No | Beef; Dairy. | At time of application: Beef... | No | Sunday, November 30, 1997 | 1998 |
Application; Typewritten letters; Deed. |
No | Yes | OHS Field Services Files | 0 | |||||||||||||||
CFR0943 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Bailey, John R. | 1891 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | Yes | Certificate # 2933, Application # 5726 | No |
NW 1/4 of Sec 22 T 3 N R 4 W, W.M., containing 160 acres. |
Washington | Bailey, Frank P. | No | no | Prunes, potatoes, grain for... | Christmas trees and timber. | No | Monday, November 30, 1992 | 1993 |
Application; Statement form; Homestead certificate. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | great grandson | Michigan | 3 | ||||||||||
CFR0153 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Stevens, William | 1847 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | Yes | Claim # 46 | No | No |
Sec 22 T 17 S R 3 W, W.M. |
Lane | Clemenson, Helen Stevens | No | No |
Chain of ownership: William M. Stevens & Hixey V. 1847; James A. Stevens & Emily F. (Greenwood); Welby Stevens & Ida E. (Goodale); Helen Stevens Clemenson. |
Saturday, November 30, 1957 | 1958 |
Application; Letter of approval; Newspaper article. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | great great granddaughter | 0 | |||||||||||||
CFR1246 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Riley Margason | Bar M Ranch | 1891 | 163.00 | 30.00 | 25 | No | No | No |
T13S R3W S6 |
Linn |
30490 Driver Rd. Shedd OR 97377 |
1 mile | Shedd | Gary Margason | No | Original house torn down in... | wheat, oats, barley, hairy... | chickens, clover, grass seed... | No | Tuesday, April 25, 2017 | 2017 |
Binder of application materials, deeds etc.. |
Yes | Yes | OSU | Great Grandson | Indiana | 1 | |||||||
CFR0523 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Kinney, Samuel | 1849 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Yamhill | No | No | Sunday, November 30, 1958 | 1959 |
Typewritten and handwritten letters |
No | No | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||
CFR0070 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Medler, Henry | Henry Medler Farm | 1889 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Sherman |
1 mile out of Wasco, near school and airport, left side. |
Rathbun, Lee | No | Barn, sheds, granary. | Wheat, cows, horses, fruit... | Wheat | No | Thursday, November 30, 1989 | 1989 |
Application; 1989 Century Farm award; Typewritten letter. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | New York | 2 |