Title View Application Award Type Original Owner Name of farm or ranch Year of Property Acquisition Original Acreage Current Acreage Acreage farmed or ranched today Donation land claim Dlc num and registration location Homestead Homestead Information Othersort descending Please explain Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters County Address physical location GPS location Distance from nearest town Nearest town name Who farms or ranches today Original buildings still in use Building structures on property with date of construction Crops or livestock historically raised on property Crops or livestock currently raised on property National register property National register name Notes and comments property Date of application Date of award Please describe attachments Genealogical information included Application on file Application location Applicants relationship to original owners Origin of original owners Ethnic origin of original owners How many generations still live on the farm or ranch
CFR1216 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Falk, Louis R.; Falk, Anna Louis R. & Anna Falk Farm 1907 160.00 160.00 160 No No Yes
Deed records
26423 Kirk Rd. Halsey OR 97348
5 miles Halsey, OR Falk, Aart L.; Falk, Charlene R.; Moore, Steve; Moore, Janna (Falk) Yes There is no original house on... Grain; Dairy cattle Grass seed; Beef cattle No
Friday, May 1, 2015 2015
Application; Statement of affirmation; Deed records; Map of property; Family history narrative; Property ownership timeline; Copies of photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Grandchildren 2
CFR1163 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Santoro, Bruno Santoro Farm 1910 20.00 80.00 75 No No Yes
22050 SW Rosedale Rd, Beaveton, OR 97007
5 Miles Beaverton Santoro, Joe No Hay; Logan berries;... Hay; Oats; Beef cattle;... No
Monday, May 17, 2010 2010
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Hand drawn map of property boundaries; Deed records; Copies of photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Son Spezzano-Piccolo Italy Italian 2
CFR1172 Download Application (PDF) Century Ranch Thompson, George Washington; Thompson, Mary Amelia Thiele Thompson Place 1882 350.00 350.00 350 No No Yes
Warranty Deed
Red Hill Road Oregon - no street address
10 miles Yoncalla James B. Langdon Yes Hay & Sheep Barn 1907-1910 Hay; Wheat; Cattle; Goats;... Hay; Timber; Cattle; Horses No
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 2011
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Warranty deed; Property records; Copies of photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Great Grandson Muscatine County Iowa German 0
CFR0949 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Zimmerman, Christian and Cecilia 1883 0.00 41.00 41 No No Yes
Purchased from N. N. Burton and May Burton
2 miles north of Yamhill on Hwy 47 at Cty Rd 273. Physical address of farm is 19035 NE Cove Orchard Rd. Yam hill 97148-3.9.16
2 miles Yamhill OR Dromgoole, Gordon C. No None of the original... wheat, oats, clover, cattle,... wheat, barley, oats, clover,... No
Friday, November 30, 1984 1985
Application; Certification of ownership; Deed; Typewritten letter; Photocopy of photograph; Oregon Pacific Railroad advertisement; Newspaper article.
Yes Yes OHS Field Services Files great grandson Sebringsville, Ontario, Canada Canada 2
CFR0788 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Goodknecht, Peter 1881 0.00 0.00 0 No No Yes
Purchased from Thomas Miller
1078 Cascade Hwy NE, Silverton, OR
Riches, Robert L. No Barn Hops, Wheat, Oats, Cattle,... Grass seed, Wheat, Sugar... No
Property was divided once.
Friday, November 30, 1984 1985
Application; Farm history; Deeds.
Yes Yes OHS Field Services Files great grandson Switzerland, Kansas Switzerland 3
CFR1309 Century Farm Conrad Melvin Borgard ERBE Livestock LLC 1919 156.00 96.00 30 No No Yes
91220 Hwy 42 S Coquille OR 97423
N43.108876, W124.313281 6 miles Bandon OR Eric & Betty Albertson Yes Original home on property... Dairy, in mid 1990's... Beef cattle, hay, silage;... No
Friday, April 26, 2024 2024
Flash drive with photos, family tree, narrative
Yes Yes OSU Eric is grandson of CM Borgard n/a 4
CFR0093 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Smith, William DeLaFletcher (W.D.L.F.) George W. Smith Ranch 1864 0.00 0.00 0 No No Yes
Land grant. Lots 3 & 4 of Sec 27 $ Lot 5 of Sec. 26 in T 25 S R 12 W
Smith, George William (Mr. and Mrs.) No no Dairy stock, fruit, fish,... Fruit, beef stock, hay,... No
95.39 acres in original farm. 286 acres in present farm.
Sunday, November 30, 1969 1970
Application; Certification of ownership; Copy of land claim certificate; Newspaper article.
No Yes Mss 1604 great grandson Connecticut 2
CFR1306 Century Farm David and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Roth Roth Farm 1923 159.14 148.00 140 No No Yes
Deed records
33516 Seven Mile Lane SE Albany OR 97322
44.33.27 N; 123.02 59W 4 miles Albany OR Robert Sherfy Yes 1923 original house; was... Barley and Oats for Livestock... annual ryegrass, wheat,... No
Thursday, April 27, 2023 2023
Digital photos, map of prop, family narrative, family tree succession,
Yes Yes OSU Grandson Milford Nebraska N/a 1
CFR1217 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Hynes, Edward O. Hynes Farm 1889 103.00 336.83 336 (175 by family, rest leased with family involvement) No No Yes
Deed records
9011 Howell Prairie Rd. NE Silverton OR 97381
6 miles Silverton, OR Hynes, Joe; Hynes, Ken Yes First house prior to 1889;... Grain; Hay; Potatoes; Straw... Grass seed; Peas; Beef cattle No
Tuesday, April 7, 2015 2015
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family and farm history timeline; Family history narrative; Deed records; Newspaper articles; Letters; Property ownership documents; Maps of property; Motgage documents; Copies of photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Widow of Tom Hynes who was grandson of founder Kansas Ireland 3
CFR0918 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Simpson, John Marshall 1878 0.00 0.00 0 No No Yes
Purchased from Nathaniel and Catherine Richardson
Simpson, Rolfe M.; Simpson, Frank H. No None of the original... Cattle, Wheat, Oats, Clover Cattle, Wheat, Oats, Clover No
This property has never been divided.
Friday, November 30, 1984 1985
Application; Certification of ownership; Deeds; Probate record of John Simpson.
Yes Yes OHS Field Services Files grandson 4
