Title | View Application | Award Type | Original Owner | Name of farm or ranch | Year of Property Acquisition | Original Acreage | Current Acreage | Acreage farmed or ranched today | Donation land claim | Dlc num and registration location | Homestead | Homestead Information | Other | Please explain | Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters | County | Address physical location | GPS location | Distance from nearest town | Nearest town name | Who farms or ranches today | Original buildings still in use | Building structures on property with date of construction | Crops or livestock historically raised on property | Crops or livestock currently raised on property | National register property | National register name | Notes and comments property | Date of application | Date of award | Please describe attachments | Genealogical information included | Application on file | Application location | Applicants relationship to original owners | Origin of original owners | Ethnic origin of original owners | How many generations still live on the farm or ranch |
CFR1093 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Bartholomew, Harry; Bartholomew, Charles | 1898 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
T !N, R 27E, S 16 |
Morrow | Myers, Sam | No | Apples; Barley; Hay; Prunes;... | No | Tuesday, November 30, 2004 | 2005 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Handwritten note; Photocopy of photographs; Farm and family histories; Deeds; Land sale contract; Plot map; Excerpts from "Know Your Morrow County", "The History of Morrow County", and "The Centennial History of Oregon, 1811-1911, Vol. 2"; Newspaper article; "The Judge's Family" booklet; |
No | No | 0 | ||||||||||||||||
CFR1134 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Bartels, Otto F. | Noble Knoll Tree Farm | 1909 | 40.00 | 80.00 | 33 | No | No | No |
T 7S, R 1E, S 34 |
Marion |
964 Loar Rd SE, Silverton. End of the road off Hwy 214. |
10 miles | Silverton | Bartels, Larry W. | No | Original residence (c.1909)... | Christmas trees; Fruit trees... | Christmas trees | No | Tuesday, April 28, 2009 | 2009 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Copy of abstract of title; Plat map; Warranty Deed; Hand drawn map of property; Copies of photographs |
Yes | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | Grandson of Otto Bartels | Germany | German | 2 | ||||||
CFR0553 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Barrett, John | 1894 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
Sec 10 T 5 S R 4 W |
Yamhill | Schmitt, Robert W.; Schmitt, Mary E. Barrett | No | no | Dairy, beef, wheat, barley,... | Wheat, barley, oats, peas,... | No | Wednesday, November 30, 1994 | 1995 |
Application; Deed; Typewritten letter. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | granddaughter | Ireland | 3 | |||||||||||
CFR0248 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Barr, Jessie & Anne | 1855 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Linn | No | No | Sunday, November 30, 1958 | 1959 |
1959 and 1960 state fair celebration registration forms; Newspaper article. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||
CFR1126 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Barnes, William | 1908 | 190.00 | 56.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
T 5, R 1W, S 11 |
Clackamas |
4676 Highway 211, Woodburn, OR |
2.5 miles | Woodburn | Campbell, Lloyd; Campbell, Marjorie | No | Barn (built in 1913) used by... | Grains; Dairy cattle; Hogs | Flowers; Vegetable starts;... | No | Monday, May 12, 2008 | 2008 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Obituaries; Photographs; Deeds; Mortgage record; Copy of "Oregon Wheat" cover |
Yes | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | Granddaughter of William Barnes | New York | 1 | ||||||||
CFR0037 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Barclay, James E. | 1851 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Benton | No | No | Sunday, November 30, 1958 | 1959 | No | No | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||
CFR0004 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Barclay, James E. | 1851 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | Yes | #42 | No | No |
T 14 S R 5 W |
Benton | Barclay, David Ross (Mr. and Mrs.) | No | No | Saturday, November 30, 1957 | 1958 |
Notarized ownership document; Postcard to the Oregon Historical Society; Postcard to the Oregon governor; Typewritten letters. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson | 0 | ||||||||||||||
CFR1151 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Bangs, Frederick E. and Daisy | 1903 | 200.00 | 115.00 | 115 | Yes | #57 notification 5348, in Section 8 | No | No |
T 17 South, R 5 West of Willamette Meridian, S 8 |
Lane |
4 Miles North of Elmira |
4 miles | Elmira | Bangs, Larry Lloyd; Bangs, Paula Beth | No | Original house on Territorial... | Alfalfa; Corn; Grass hay;... | Alfalfa; Corn; Grass hay;... | No | Friday, June 16, 2006 | 2006 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Copy of obituary; Warranty deed; Photographs |
Yes | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | Larry Bangs is (great?)grandson of Frederick Eli Bangs, son of Lloyd and Bernice Bangs. | Ottawa, Kansas | 1 | |||||||
CFR0401 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Ball, Isaac & Abigail Ball | 1850 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | Yes | Notification # 1910, Claim # 38 | No | No | Polk | Sechrist, Cassie L.; Sechrist, John J. | No | Original farmstead located at... | No |
Chain of ownership: Isaac & Abigail Ball, 640 acres; to Lydia Elizabeth Ball Sears (12th daughter) and Van B. Sears; to Cassie L. Sechrist & John J. Sechrist. Of the 135 acres in present farm, 100 acres of the original farm are included. |
Saturday, November 30, 1957 | 1958 |
Affidavit; Handwritten letters; Typewritten letter; Newspaper article. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | granddaughter | 0 | |||||||||||||
CFR1184 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Ranch | Balin, Mary | Balin Ranch | 1910 | 100.00 | 800.00 | 800 | No | Yes | No |
40S Range 09E, WM Section 13 |
Klamath |
13600 Homedale Road
Klamath Falls, OR 97603 |
42*06'N43.06'W | 10 | Klamath Falls | Balin Family | No | Grain; Hay; Potatoes; Beef... | Grain; Hay; Potatoes; Beef... | No |
Note Hal Balin passed away before the awards ceremony on 9/1/12. |
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 | 2012 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family and farm history narrative; Deed; Organic beef label; Aerial photograph; Photographs |
No | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | Son | Kansas | 3 |