Title | View Application | Award Type | Original Owner | Name of farm or ranch | Year of Property Acquisition | Original Acreage | Current Acreage | Acreage farmed or ranched today | Donation land claim | Dlc num and registration location | Homestead | Homestead Information | Other | Please explain | Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters | County | Address physical location | GPS location | Distance from nearest town | Nearest town name | Who farms or ranches today | Original buildings still in use | Building structures on property with date of construction | Crops or livestock historically raised on property | Crops or livestock currently raised on property | National register property | National register name | Notes and comments property | Date of application | Date of award | Please describe attachments | Genealogical information included | Application on file | Application location | Applicants relationship to original owners | Origin of original owners | Ethnic origin of original owners | How many generations still live on the farm or ranch |
CFR1304 | Century Farm | Walter Bailey | Orchard View | 1923 | 100.00 | 3,485.00 | All | No | No | Yes |
Deed |
not given |
Wasco |
4055 Skyline Rd. The Dalles OR 97058 |
45.577524; -121.216951 | n/a | The Dalles | Brenda Thomas | Yes | First home built in 1928 by... | Apples, pears, cherries,... | Fresh Cherries few acres in... | No | Thursday, April 20, 2023 | 2023 |
Flash drive of materials/photos, maps, narrative, family tree with succession, |
Yes | Yes | OSU | Great granddaughter | n/a | n/a | 2 | |||||
CFR0561 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Etzel, Joseph | 1896 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
Sec 4 T 9 R 1 E |
Marion | Etzel, Theodore Miles | No | Part of the house. | unknown | Strawberries, sweet corn,... | No | Thursday, November 30, 1995 | 1996 |
Application; Handwritten notes; Photographs; Deed; Typewritten letters. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson | Russia via Kansas | 2 | |||||||||||
CFR0900 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Magill, John B. | 1874 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Wasco |
Tygh Valley |
Magill, Owen J. | No | no | Sheep, horses, some cattle. | Cattle, hay, wheat. | No |
80 acres in original farm. 1700 acres in present farm. |
Friday, November 30, 1973 | 1974 |
Application; Certification of ownership; Typewritten letters. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson | Ohio | 2 | ||||||||||
CFR0107 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Hayhurst, William | 1857 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Douglas | Hubbell, Atalanta | No | No | Saturday, November 30, 1957 | 1958 |
Affidavit |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | 0 | |||||||||||||||||
CFR1214 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Cheyne, Alex B. | Cheyne Farm | 1909 | 80.00 | 80.00 | 76 | No | No | Yes |
Deed records |
40S R11E S11 |
Klamath |
13411 Springlake Rd. Klamath Falls OR 97603 |
Klamath Falls | Cheyne, Brent A. | Yes | 1910 Single story house, 2nd... | Alfalfa; Barley; Oats; Wheat... | Alfalfa; Barley; Oats; Wheat... | No | Tuesday, May 26, 2015 | 2015 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family and farm history narrative; Deed records; Photographs; Timeline of proptery ownership; Map of property; Newspaper articles; Copies of photographs; Property ownership records |
Yes | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | grandson | Hartland WA 12 mile N of The Dalles OR | unknown | 2 | ||||||
CFR0472 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Chapman, William | 1852 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Yamhill |
1/2 mile SW of Sheridan |
Dickey, Helen E.; Dickey, Glen | No | Dairy, grain | No |
640 acres in original farm. Chain of ownership: William Chapman, 1852 to 1911; Frank Chapman (son) to 1934; Glen & Helen E. Dickey (granddaughter) to date. |
Saturday, November 30, 1957 | 1958 |
Application; Affidavit. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | granddaughter | 0 | |||||||||||||
CFR0026 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Currier, J. M. | 1850 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Benton | No | No | Saturday, November 30, 1957 | 1958 | No | No | 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||
CFR0389 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Gardner, Samuel J. | 1844 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Polk |
7 miles SW of Dallas in the Bridgeport community |
Gardner, Wiley; Gardner, Kenneth | No | No |
322 acres in original and present farm. Chain of ownership: Samuel Gardner to Chester C. Gardner (his son) to Wiley Gardner (grandson) and Kenneth Gardner (greatgrandson). |
Saturday, November 30, 1957 | 1958 |
Application; Affidavit. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | grandson & great grandson | 0 | ||||||||||||||
CFR0739 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Riggs, Elija | 1882 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Klamath | Ager, George M. | No | Rye; Wheat. | At time of application: Hay;... | No | Friday, November 30, 1984 | 1985 |
Application; Certification of ownership; Typewritten letters; Photocopy of photograph. |
No | Yes | OHS Field Services Files | 0 | |||||||||||||||
CFR1080 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Ranch | Sanderson, Mathew; Sanderson, Euphemia | Sanderson Springs Ranch | 1900 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
T 1N, R 38E, S 23,26 |
Union | Craig, Steve; Craig, David | No | Alfalfa; Grain; Grass seed;... | No | Sunday, November 30, 2003 | 2004 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Abstract of Title; Deeds; Contract of sale; Family history; Family tree. |
No | No | 0 |