Title View Application Award Type Original Owner Name of farm or ranch Year of Property Acquisition Original Acreage Current Acreage Acreage farmed or ranched today Donation land claim Dlc num and registration location Homestead Homestead Information Other Please explain Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters County Address physical location GPS location Distance from nearest town Nearest town name Who farms or ranches today Original buildings still in use Building structures on property with date of construction Crops or livestock historically raised on property Crops or livestock currently raised on property National register property National register name Notes and comments property Date of application Date of awardsort ascending Please describe attachments Genealogical information included Application on file Application location Applicants relationship to original owners Origin of original owners Ethnic origin of original owners How many generations still live on the farm or ranch
CFR1219 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Cappoen, Theophile Taghon Farm 1915 40.00 72.55 55 No No Yes
Sales Deed record
1645 NW Cornelius-Schefflin Rd. Cornelius OR 97113
.85 miles Cornelius Finegan, Joseph; Finegan, Jennifer Yes First house built in 1915 and... Barley; Hay; Oats; Peas;... No
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 2015
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Aerial photograph; Deed records; Copies of photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP great great grandson Minnesota Belgium 2
SFR0027 Download Application (PDF) Sesquicentennial Farm Hayward, James Batchelder Farms, LLC 1858 447.00 201.00 200 No No Yes
Document of Sale
26245 NW West Union Rd. Hillsboro OR 97124
6 miles Hillsboro Batchelder Farms, LLC; Batchelder, Lewis W.; Spencer Gates Farms Yes First house likely in 1860,... Grain; Hay; Timber Clover; Fruit trees; Grains... No
Monday, April 14, 2014 2014
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Copies of photographs; Farm history narrative; Plat map; Document of sale; Deed records
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Great Great Grandson California 1
SFR0028 Download Application (PDF) Sesquicentennial Farm Morris, Eliam; Morris, Susannah Three Branches, LLC 1852 318.00 68.40 60 Yes 1330 No No
10670 Oak Ridge Rd. Yamhill OR
1 1/2 miles Yamhill, OR Three Branches LLC No First house built in 1853-54... Barley; Oats; Wheat; Cattle;... Clover; Grass seed; Hazelnuts No
Monday, April 28, 2014 2014
Application; Statement of affirmation; Email to Oregon Century Farm and Ranch Program; List of family members; Maps of property; Yamhill County sales data; Copies of photographs; Family history information; Excerpt from "History of Oregon"; Newspaper articles; Farm history narrative; Original century farm application; Excerpt from "Genealogical Material in Oregon Donation Land Claims, Volume 1"; Map of property; Copy of original Donation Land Claim certificates; Architectural drawings; Index card for Historic American Buildings Survey; Photographs; Plat map
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Great great grandchildren Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Oregon Denmark 0
CFR1206 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Harmon, Oscar Lafayette Harmon Farm 1910 320.00 498.00 298 No Yes Lyman Chapman Cert #1809 8/24/1895 Yes
Deeds of Sale through years
82293 School Flat Rd. Wallowa OR 97885
Latitude 45.535278 Longitude 117.334955 8 miles Enterprise, OR Bacon, Lois A. Yes First house in 1894, later... Barley; Hay; Oats; Potatoes;... Conservation; Hay; Cattle No
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 2014
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family and farm history narrative; Timeline of property ownership; Map of property; Deed records; Plat map; Property ownership records; Copies of photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP great grandchild Iowa 1
CFR1207 Download Application (PDF) Century Ranch Couch, John; Couch, Carrie Gastin Ranch 1907 640.00 640.00 640 No No Yes
Patent records of sale
78078 Leap Lane Wallowa OR 97885
10 miles Lostine, OR Gastin, Ted L.; Gastin, Marilyn Yes When Couch family obtained... Oats; Rye; Wheat; Chickens;... Conservation; Cattle No
Thursday, May 1, 2014 2014
Application; Statement of affirmation; Map of property; Photograph; Deed records; Copies of photographs
CFR1208 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Thompson, Hans; Thompson, Krestine Fairview Ranch 1914 640.00 960.00 930 No No Yes
Warranty deed
66680 Fairview Rd. Moro OR 97039
9 miles Wasco/Moro OR Thompson, Ty No Existing house at time land... Wheat; Cattle; Horses Barley; Wheat No
Friday, April 25, 2014 2014
Application; Statement of affirmation; Map of property; Family and farm history narrative; Copies of photographs; Deed records
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP grandchildren Denmark 1
CFR1209 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Janssen, Hendrina; Jansen, Peter Jansen Farm 1877 110.00 115.00 112 No No Yes
Deeds of Sale; Land sale contracts
4560 Visitation Rd. Forest Grove OR 97116
Lat. 45.553259 Long. -123.085335 3.5 miles Forest Grove, OR Jansen, Michael; Jansen, Sherry Yes Original barn built in 1916,... Alfalfa; Barley; Clover;... Alfalfa; Clover; Corn; Grass... No
Saturday, April 26, 2014 2014
Application; Statement of affirmation; Aerial photograph; Farm history narrative; Family history narrative; Copies of photographs; Family tree chart; Property ownership timeline; Deed records
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Grandson of Peter Jansen Wisconsin 2
CFR1210 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Emerson, Chester William Emerson Dell Farm 1883 1,040.00 2,840.00 2840 No Yes Homestead Cert. No. 1787 No
5854 Emerson Roberts Rd. The Dalles OR 97058
15 The Dalles, OR Brewer, David R. Yes Homestead house and barn,... Forage crops; Wheat; Cattle... Barley; Canola; Forage crops... No
Monday, March 10, 2014 2014
Application; Statement of affirmation; Maps of property; Family history narrative; Property ownership records; Copies of photographs; Aerial photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Great Granddaughter Illinois 3
CFR1211 Download Application (PDF) Century Ranch Kilkenny, John F. KilKenny Ranch 1914 20,000.00 8,100.00 8100 No No Yes
Land sale deeds
79074 Hwy 74 Heppner OR 97836
9 miles Heppner, OR Kilkenny, John No No original buildings stand... Alfalfa; Wheat; Cattle; Sheep Alfalfa; Conservation; Wheat... No
Thursday, April 17, 2014 2014
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family and ranch history narrative; Map of property; Deed records; Article "Shamrocks and Shepherds; The Irish of Morrow County"; Copies of photographs; Digital photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Grandson Leitrim, Ireland Irish 1
CFR1212 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Plagmann, Claus J. Plagmann Farms, Inc. 1913 45.00 550.00 500 No No Yes
Warranty deed, land sale deeds
36244 Plagmann Dr. NE Albany OR 97322
6 miles East Albany OR Plagmann, Terrill C. Yes Original house is unknown,... Dill; Grain; Grass seed; Hay... Bent grass; Coriander seed;... No
Thursday, April 17, 2014 2014
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family and farm history narratives; Map of property; Deed records; Copies of photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Great grandson Germany Danish/Swedish 3
