Title View Application Award Type Original Owner Name of farm or ranch Year of Property Acquisition Original Acreage Current Acreage Acreage farmed or ranched today Donation land claim Dlc num and registration location Homestead Homestead Information Other Please explain Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters County Address physical location GPS location Distance from nearest town Nearest town name Who farms or ranches today Original buildings still in use Building structures on property with date of construction Crops or livestock historically raised on property Crops or livestock currently raised on property National register property National register name Notes and comments property Date of applicationsort ascending Date of award Please describe attachments Genealogical information included Application on file Application location Applicants relationship to original owners Origin of original owners Ethnic origin of original owners How many generations still live on the farm or ranch
CFR1179 Download Application (PDF) Century Ranch Leavy, Patick; Leavy, Ella; Leavy, James Leavy Farm 1912 73.00 193.00 193 No No Yes
2265 Butteville Road, Aurora, OR 97002
2 Donald Leavy, Patrick Daniel Yes Rsidence now used as office Flax; Hazelnuts; Hops; Oats;... Grass seed; Hazelnuts; Hops No
Friday, March 9, 2012 2012
Application; Statement of affirmation; Farm history narrative; Parcel map; Deed; Copies of photographs
No Yes MSS ORCFRP Grandson Ireland 1
CFR1183 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Luethe, Samuel Sam Luethe Farm 1907 40.00 20.00 12 No No No
11303 NW Skyline Blvd., Portland, OR 97231
Portland Walkley, Mark K. No Hay; Potatoes; Wheat; Cattle Fruit; Hay; Timber; Vegetables No
Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2012
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Map; Aerial photograph; Copies of photographs; Property ownership documents
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Grandson Switzerland 1
CFR1176 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Woods, Charles "Ollie" Woodstock Dariy 1911 60.00 60.00 60 No No Yes
Warranty Deed
20505 Blaine Road Beaver, OR 97108
15 miles Tillamook Woods, Wayne; Woods, Greg No Dairy cattle Grass silage; Dairy cattle No
Saturday, May 28, 2011 2011
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Deeds; Farm brochure; Newspaper article
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Grandchild 0
CFR1175 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Rohde, Jacob Peter J. P. Rohde Ranch, Inc. 1905 160.00 2,500.00 6400 No No Yes
Warranty Deed
7590 Nolin Grade Road Echo, OR 97826
45.741433,-119.077106 6 miles Echo Glenn Louise Rohde Yes Farm house 1912 Barley; Mint; Onions; Wheat Wheat No
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 2011
Application; Statement of affirmation; Extensive family and farm history narrative; Copies of photographs; Newspaper articles; Ownership documents
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Grandchild Illinois Germany 0
CFR1177 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Chegwyn, Herbert Chegwyn Farms 1909 5.00 170.00 140 Yes No No
2471 Grandhaven Dr. McMinnville, OR 97128
Borders on NW Corner of town McMinnville Chegwyn, Charles Yes Two farm houses 1912 and 1929... Alfalfa; Apples; Clover;... Filberts; Grass seed; Hay;... No
Charles Chegwyn placed his land in a conservation easement to protect his land from a sub division in 2008 and established a life estate in 2009. The Yamhill County Soil and Water Conservation District is the legal owner of the farm as of 2009.
Monday, May 16, 2011 2011
Application; Statement of affirmation; Letter from Yamhill Soil and Water Conservation District; Family and farm history narrative; Strategic plan document; Copies of photographs; Property ownership documents
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Minneapolis, Minnesota England 0
CFR1174 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Carpenter, Alfred; Carpenter, Leonard Rocky Knoll-Carpenter Family Farm 1909 150.00 180.00 140 No No Yes
2881 Hillcrest Road Medford, OR 97504
0 miles Medford Rocky Knoll LLC dba Dunbar Orchards, Dunbar Farms, Rocky Knoll Vineyard No Some buildings built 1909-1912 Apples; Hay; Pears; Cattle;... Grapes; Grains; Grass hay;... No
Saturday, May 7, 2011 2011
Application; Statement of affirmation; List of attachments; Family and farm history narrative; Timeline of events;Copies of photographs; Deed records; Maps of property; Wine labels; Property ownership documents; Pear label; Cover and article from "Southern Oregon Heritage"
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Created from estate of Dunbar and Jane Carpenter Colorado 0
CFR1168 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Bierly, Mary S. Bierly Farm 1911 139.00 139.00 132 Yes No Yes
Warranty Deed
33155 Bond-Butte Dr., Harrisburg, OR 97446
8 Miles Halsey Wolff, Charley No Ryegrass; Chickens; Cows;... Ryegrass No
Friday, April 29, 2011 2011
Application; Statement of affirmation; Copy of photograph; Deeds; Historic documentation of farm; Family history narrative; List of photographs; Copies of photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Great Nephew Pennsylvania 0
CFR1172 Download Application (PDF) Century Ranch Thompson, George Washington; Thompson, Mary Amelia Thiele Thompson Place 1882 350.00 350.00 350 No No Yes
Warranty Deed
Red Hill Road Oregon - no street address
10 miles Yoncalla James B. Langdon Yes Hay & Sheep Barn 1907-1910 Hay; Wheat; Cattle; Goats;... Hay; Timber; Cattle; Horses No
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 2011
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Warranty deed; Property records; Copies of photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Great Grandson Muscatine County Iowa German 0
CFR1173 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Clark, Newton Dodge; Clark, Mary Elizabeth Langdon Delbert Langdon 1902 360.00 260.00 260 No No Yes
Warranty Deed
1809 Red Hill Road Oakland, OR 97462
10 miles Yoncalla James B. Langdon Yes House 1902 Hay; Wheat; Cattle; Sheep Hay; Timber; Cattle; Horses No
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 2011
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Copies of photographs; Title document; Deed records
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Great Nephew Wisconsin 0
CFR1171 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Flowers, Francis J. Flowers Farms 1911 0.00 278.00 278 plus 1400 more family owned No No Yes
16650 Highway 97 S Klamath Falls, OR 97603
2 miles north Worden Flowers, Robert; Flowers, Christy; Flowers, Jason; Flowers, Larry No Hay; Dairy cattle Alfalfa; Grass hay; Potatoes... No
Wednesday, March 23, 2011 2011
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Maps; Deed
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Great Grandson Ferndale, Califorinia 2
