Title View Application Award Type Original Owner Name of farm or ranch Year of Property Acquisition Original Acreage Current Acreage Acreage farmed or ranched today Donation land claim Dlc num and registration location Homestead Homestead Information Other Please explain Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters County Address physical location GPS location Distance from nearest town Nearest town name Who farms or ranches today Original buildings still in use Building structures on property with date of constructionsort descending Crops or livestock historically raised on property Crops or livestock currently raised on property National register property National register name Notes and comments property Date of application Date of award Please describe attachments Genealogical information included Application on file Application location Applicants relationship to original owners Origin of original owners Ethnic origin of original owners How many generations still live on the farm or ranch
CFR0503 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Hagey, Levi & wife 1847 0.00 0.00 0 Yes No No
E of Dundee from County Road to Willamette River.
No UPDATE 8/01: Oregon National... No
Undivided half interest in 43.77 acres in L. Hagey DLC. 640 acres in original farm.
Saturday, November 30, 1957 1958
Application; Affidavit; Handwritten notes.
No Yes Mss 1604 great grandson 0
CFR0504 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Hagey, Levi & wife 1847 0.00 0.00 0 Yes No No
E of Dundee, beginning at County Road and running E to the Willamette River.
Renter No UPDATE 8/01: Oregon National... No
Undivided 1/2 interest in 43.77 acres in L. Hagey DLC. 640 acres in original farm
Saturday, November 30, 1957 1958
Application; Affidavit.
No Yes Mss 1604 great grandson 0
CFR0759 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Chambers, Matthew C. 1866 0.00 0.00 0 No No No
Chambers, Bert W. No UPDATE: barn built c. 1860 (... Horses, cattle, hogs,... Cattle, sheep, hay, pasture Yes
639.95 acres in original farm. 94.81 acres in present farm.
Sunday, November 30, 1975 1976
Application; Certification of ownership.
No Yes Mss 1604 grandson Bridgeport, Vermont 1
CFR0041 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Albright, Daniel 1857 0.00 0.00 0 No No Yes
Albright, George W. No UPDATE: Farm Group, built in... Yes
Daniel Albright gave property to his son Edward Albright who then gave it to his son George Albright (applicant).
Saturday, November 30, 1957 1958
Affidavit; 1960 state fair celebration registration form.
No Yes Mss 1604 grandson 0
CFR0299 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Geer, R. C. and Mary C. 1848 0.00 0.00 0 Yes Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28 of T 7S R1W No No
12 miles east of Salem, Oregon and the court house
Geer, A. A. No UPDATE: farmhouse built in... Yes
R. C. and Mary C. Geer gave property to son L.B. Geer, who passed it to their son A. A. Geer (applicant). Original DLC held 640 acres.
Saturday, November 30, 1957 1958
Application; Notarized statement; 1959 and 1960 state fair celebration registration forms; Newspaper article.
No Yes Mss 1604 grandson 0
CFR0134 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Hanley, Michael 1857 0.00 0.00 0 No No Yes
Purchased DLC rights from Clinton and Welton
2.5 miles from Jacksonville on Hanley Road
Hanley, Martha, Mary; Hanley, Claire No UPDATE: Farmstead built in... Yes
"This farm has remained in the same family for 101 years. From Michael Hanley to a daughter Alice E. Hanley then to her brother's daughters Claire, Martha, and Mary Hanley."
Saturday, November 30, 1957 1958
No Yes Mss 1604 0
CFR0366 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Stauffer Sr., John Stauffer Farms Inc. 1892 0.00 0.00 0 No No No
2 1/2 miles North of Hubbard.
No UPDATE: house & barn... Hops; Filberts. Yes
320 acres in original farm. 150 acres in present farm.
Thursday, November 30, 1972 1973
Application; Certification of ownership.
No Yes Mss 1604 great grandsons Pennsylvania 3
CFR0051 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Vonderahe, C. F. 1857 0.00 0.00 0 No No Yes
Purchased from Farley for $800
No UPDATE: House & Summer... Yes
When C. F. Vonderahe died "the farm was divided between his children with the 51.90 acre tract gong to his daughter Julia Vonderahe Mueller and thence to her daughter, Louise Mueller Evans (my mother) and now to me." "The 54 acre tract went to the son."
Saturday, November 30, 1957 1958
Typewritten letter; Newspaper article.
No Yes Mss 1604 0
CFR0833 Download Application (PDF) Century Farm Moore, Helen and John A. Moore 1881 0.00 0.00 0 No No No
Highway 97
Coelsch, Leo W.; Spencer, Sharon Coelsch No UPDATE: house built in 1882 (... Wheat, livestock. Wheat, livestock. Yes
Thursday, November 30, 1989 1990
Applications; Statement forms; Typewritten letter; Deed.
Yes Yes Mss 1604 great great granddaughter California 2
SFR0006 Download Application (PDF) Sesquicentennial Farm Vaughan, William Hatchette Jack Vaughan Farm 1844 633.00 108.00 0 Yes DLC #47 No No
34534 S. McCown Rd., Molalla, OR, 2 miles from Molalla.
45 09' 54"N, 122 33" 46" W Johns, Jack E. No Vaughan family house (built... Fruit orchard; Hay;... Cattle No
Thursday, September 20, 2007 2008
Application; Statement of affirmation; Letters; Family history narrative; List of provisional land claims; Copy of original plat map; Photocopied photographs
No Yes MSS ORCFRP Great-great grandchildren of William Hatchette Vaughan Tennessee Scottish-Irish 0
