Title | View Application | Award Type | Original Owner | Name of farm or ranch | Year of Property Acquisition | Original Acreage | Current Acreage | Acreage farmed or ranched today | Donation land claim | Dlc num and registration location | Homestead | Homestead Information | Other | Please explain | Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters | County | Address physical location | GPS location | Distance from nearest town | Nearest town name | Who farms or ranches today | Original buildings still in use | Building structures on property with date of construction | Crops or livestock historically raised on property | Crops or livestock currently raised on property | National register property | National register name | Notes and comments property | Date of application | Date of award | Please describe attachments | Genealogical information included | Application on file | Application location | Applicants relationship to original owners | Origin of original owners | Ethnic origin of original owners | How many generations still live on the farm or ranch |
SFR0017 | Download Application (PDF) | Sesquicentennial Ranch | Hawley, Ira | Hawley Land & Cattle Co. | 1852 | 360.00 | 1,500.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
T 21, R 04, S 13 |
Lane |
77102 Hwy 99 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 |
6 miles | Cottage Grove | Hoyt, William L. | No | Hay; Cattle | Hay; Timber; Cattle; Goats;... | No | Friday, October 10, 2008 | 2009 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Newspaper article; Copies of photographs |
No | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | Great great grandson to Ira Hawley | New York | 1 | ||||||||
SFR0005 | Download Application (PDF) | Sesquicentennial Farm | Brock, Vineyard C. | Herrling Farm | 1854 | 360.00 | 134.00 | 0 | Yes | DLC #56 (1854) | No | No |
T 12S, R 3W WM, S 31 |
Linn |
30595 Driver Rd., Shedd, OR 97377 |
5 miles | Shedd | Cal Farms | No | Grain; Cows | Grass seed | No | Wednesday, October 24, 2007 | 2008 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Plat map; Tax map; Copies of photographs |
Yes | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | Great great grandson of Vineyard C. Brock | Tennessee | 2 | |||||||
CFR1124 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Medler, Bruno F. | Brett and Trena Gray Farm | 1901 | 360.00 | 2,350.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
T 2N, R 18EW, S 29 |
Sherman |
97642 Emigrant Springs Lane, Wasco, OR 97065 |
North 45 degrees; West 120 degrees | 7 miles | Wasco | Gray, Brett | No | Original house (has had two... | Barley; Wheat; Cattle;... | Wheat | No | Thursday, May 31, 2007 | 2007 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Photographs; Family history narrative; Deed |
Yes | No | MSS ORCFRP | Great great grandson of Bruno | 3 | |||||||
CFR1165 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Silbernagel, Joseph; Silbernagel, Frances | Silbernagel Farm | 1907 | 252.00 | 230.00 | 150 | No | No | Yes |
Estate transfer |
T 9S, R 1E, S 8 |
Marion |
10508 Silbernagel Rd., Stayton, OR 97383 |
4 Miles | Stayton | Silbernagel, Paul | Yes | Cowbarn for milking, pig barn... | Corn; Grain; Hay; Chickens;... | Grain; Grass seed; Hay; Cows... | No | Monday, May 10, 2010 | 2010 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Copies of photographs; Estate document |
Yes | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | Great great grandson | Perham, Minnesota | German | 1 | |||||
CFR0547 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Duff, David | 1889 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | Yes | Certificate # 1460, Application # 1259 | No |
NW 1/4 of Sec 20 in T 3 N R 33 E, W.M., containing 160 acres. |
Umatilla | Duff, Jim | No | House | Wheat, cattle. | Wheat. | No | Wednesday, November 30, 1994 | 1995 |
Application; Deed. |
No | Yes | Mss 1604 | great great grandson | Scotland to England to America | 1 | ||||||||||
CFR0743 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Withers, Peter | 1871 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Lake | Withers, Alan G. | No | Barn; Woodshed; Smokehouse;... | Cattle, Hay | Cattle, Hay | No | Friday, November 30, 1984 | 1985 |
Application; Certification of ownership; Typewritten letters; Deed. |
No | Yes | OHS Field Services Files | great great grandson | Benton County, Oregon | 4 | ||||||||||||
CFR0841 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | Thompson, Charles W. | 1890 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | Yes | No | Sherman |
5 miles East of Moro on Monkland Road |
Thompson, Ronald D. | No | Barn. | Wheat, hay, cattle. | Wheat, barley. | No |
Owners of the Monkland farm: Donald D. Thompson 1/2; Norma Cushing 1/6; Lois Murphy 1/6; Priscilla Wilson 1/6. |
Tuesday, November 30, 1993 | 1993 |
Application; Statement form; Family genealogy; Photocopies of photographs (photo of Monkland, 1893, photo of C.W. Thompson & Family, 1893); Deeds; Homestead certificates. |
Yes | Yes | Mss 1604 | great great grandson | Iowa | 0 | ||||||||||
SFR0027 | Download Application (PDF) | Sesquicentennial Farm | Hayward, James | Batchelder Farms, LLC | 1858 | 447.00 | 201.00 | 200 | No | No | Yes |
Document of Sale |
T1N-R2W-S9 |
Washington |
26245 NW West Union Rd. Hillsboro OR 97124 |
6 miles | Hillsboro | Batchelder Farms, LLC; Batchelder, Lewis W.; Spencer Gates Farms | Yes | First house likely in 1860,... | Grain; Hay; Timber | Clover; Fruit trees; Grains... | No | Monday, April 14, 2014 | 2014 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Copies of photographs; Farm history narrative; Plat map; Document of sale; Deed records |
Yes | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | Great Great Grandson | California | 1 | ||||||
SFR0001 | Download Application (PDF) | Sesquicentennial Ranch | Birdseye, David Nelson & Clarissa | Birdseye Ranch | 1853 | 640.00 | 260.00 | 0 | No | No | No |
T 364W, R 34000, S 1100,900,100,1700 |
Jackson |
3791 Rogue River Hwy. 2 miles from Rogue River.The river borders the property on the North; Birdseye Cr on the East; and, Birdseye Creek Rd on West |
No | Original log house (1856) is... | Beef cattle; Chickens; Dairy... | Hay; Cattle; Horses; Sheep | No |
Birdseye Ranch |
Thursday, August 30, 2007 | 2008 |
Application; Statement of affirmation; Booklet titled: "Clarissa - Her Family & Her Home: A Story of the Birdseye House", by Effie and Nita Birdseye |
No | Yes | MSS ORCFRP | Great great grandson | 1 | ||||||||||
CFR0749 | Download Application (PDF) | Century Farm | McDole, James Merritt | 1881 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | No | No | No | Lane | McDole, James R. | No | 1 barn | Cattle, Sheep, Timber | Cattle, Hay | No |
The original farm has been divided one time. |
Friday, November 30, 1984 | 1985 |
Application; Obituary; Newspaper article. |
No | Yes | OHS Field Services Files | great great grandson | Valley Falls, Kansas | 2 |