Year of Property Acquisition:
Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters:
Address physical location:
14970 Salt Creed Rd. Dallas OR 97338
Distance from nearest town:
Who farms or ranches today:
Original buildings still in use:
Building structures on property with date of construction:
1868 barn still used; stores over 3000 bales of hay; not on 1910 piece but owned 66 years so far; 1980 built another barn machine shed
Crops or livestock historically raised on property:
Prune orchard, Cherry orchard, hay, wheat, oats, barley, chickens, eggs, Timber and cattle
Crops or livestock currently raised on property:
Removed orchards; now raise grass hay, timber, Angus beef cattle, small grains, and elephant garlic.
National register property:
Please describe attachments:
deed records, digital photos, family tree succession, family narrative, application
Applicants relationship to original owners:
Eugene Villwock was great grandson of Founder Julius Villwock; Mabel Villwock is great granddaughter in law
Origin of original owners:
Ethnic origin of original owners:
How many generations still live on the farm or ranch:
Acreage farmed or ranched today: