Year of Property Acquisition:
Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters:
Township 01 South, Rangen 43 East, Section 13
Address physical location:
79265 Wade Gulch Lane Lostine OR 97857
GPS location:
N45 28' 27.6204 W117 23' 11.6952"
Distance from nearest town:
Who farms or ranches today:
Sam M. Wade (great grandson of founder)
Original buildings still in use:
Building structures on property with date of construction:
House built in 1882; still lived in
Crops or livestock historically raised on property:
Cattle, horses (including percherons) hay oats
Crops or livestock currently raised on property:
Irrigated grains and alfalfa hay; 1980's alot of land put into CRP; cattle
National register property:
Please describe attachments:
Photos hard copies, deed/homestead records, maps, family narrative.
Applicants relationship to original owners:
Origin of original owners:
How many generations still live on the farm or ranch:
Notes and comments property:
Original owner Samuel Wade had a friendly and cooperative relationship with Chief Joseph of Nez Pearce Indian tribe. Proud of conservation efforts to prevent erosion and maintain active stands of grassland on property.
Acreage farmed or ranched today: