Original Owner:
Smith, William DeLaFletcher
Year of Property Acquisition:
Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters:
Address physical location:
96614 S Coos River Ln. Coos Bay, OR 97420
GPS location:
43 deg22'32.5" W124deg05'59.8"
Distance from nearest town:
Who farms or ranches today:
Smith, George William; Smith, Alicia L.
Original buildings still in use:
Building structures on property with date of construction:
First house built in 1864, not in use today, built on lower bench for gravity from spring for water. Chicken house/potato shed were built soon after behind house in 1865. Current home built in 1951 further up from original, garage added later. New garage and woodshed built in 1965 first garage demolished by snow pack. First barn built approx. 1864, exact date unknown. Quonset style barn built in 1951 in same footprint of original, repairs, new roof in 1992, current roof in 2002. Shop/blacksmith shop and bull pen in 1951. heifer shed in 1950; Quonset style machine shed in 1950; Feed barn in 1988; New equipment by barn in 1992, mini ranch purchased with house.
Crops or livestock historically raised on property:
Apples; Cherries; Corn; Crab apples; Peaches; Pears; Plums; Potatoes; Quince; Timber; Dairy cattle; Donkeys; Fish; Hogs; Sheep
Crops or livestock currently raised on property:
National register property:
Please describe attachments:
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family and ranch history narrative; Plat map; Aerial photograph; Copies of original homestead certificates; Deed records; Copies of photographs.
Applicants relationship to original owners:
How many generations still live on the farm or ranch:
Acreage farmed or ranched today: