Year of Property Acquisition:
Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters:
T 125, R 4W, S 29,30,31,32
Address physical location:
31310 Peoria Road, Shedd, OR 97377
GPS location:
44 29' 32.69" N; 123 12' 46.60" W
Distance from nearest town:
Who farms or ranches today:
Coon, Donald; Coon, Dona M.; Coon, Mike; Coon, Tami
Original buildings still in use:
Crops or livestock historically raised on property:
Grain; Vetch; Cattle; Dairy cattle, Horses; Pigs
Crops or livestock currently raised on property:
Clover seed; Grass seed; Peas; Triticale; Wheat; Beef cattle
National register property:
Please describe attachments:
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family history narrative; Map of property; General land office certificate; Excerpt from Linn County Historical Society Journal
Applicants relationship to original owners:
Great-great grandsons of Washington Coon
How many generations still live on the farm or ranch:
Acreage farmed or ranched today: