Original Owner:
Johns, John A. and Julia A.
Year of Property Acquisition:
Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters:
Address physical location:
2 miles S. of Salem on South River Road.
Who farms or ranches today:
Original buildings still in use:
Crops or livestock historically raised on property:
Crops or livestock currently raised on property:
Farm, Pasture, Fruit, Apples, Pears, Cherries
National register property:
Please describe attachments:
Application; Notarized statement; 1960 state fair celebration registration form.
Applicants relationship to original owners:
How many generations still live on the farm or ranch:
Notes and comments property:
"Nathaniel Caldwell first took up sec. 33 640 acres. He was a single man so had to forfiet 1/2 section. A squater jumpt the 1/2 claim my grandparents gave him a yolk of oxen for his right and received a patent from US government."
Acreage farmed or ranched today: