Title View Application Award Type Original Owner Name of farm or ranch Year of Property Acquisition Original Acreagesort descending Current Acreage Acreage farmed or ranched today Donation land claim Dlc num and registration location Homestead Homestead Information Other Please explain Legal description for the farm or ranch headquarters County Address physical location GPS location Distance from nearest town Nearest town name Who farms or ranches today Original buildings still in use Building structures on property with date of construction Crops or livestock historically raised on property Crops or livestock currently raised on property National register property National register name Notes and comments property Date of application Date of award Please describe attachments Genealogical information included Application on file Application location Applicants relationship to original owners Origin of original owners Ethnic origin of original owners How many generations still live on the farm or ranch
CFR1229 Download Application (PDF) Century Ranch Weinhard, Jacob Carman Ranch LLC 1913 2,500.00 2,000.00 2000 No No Yes
Deed records
67357 Promise Rd. Wallowa OR 97885
2 miles Wallowa, OR Carman, Cory; Carman, Kent; Flynn, Dave No First house in 1915, no... Wheat; Barley; Oats; Alfalfa... Cattle; Pigs No
Sunday, May 1, 2016 2016
Application; Family history narrative; Plat maps; Property timeline; Deed records; Copies of photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP G Great grandaughter (Cory) G Grandson (Kent) Dayton, WA 3
SFR0031 Download Application (PDF) Sesquicentennial Farm Adams, John Franklin John F. Adams Farming Enterprise 1865 3,200.00 4,000.00 4000 No Yes Homestead Land Patent 1877; 1892 Yes
No real proof of 1865 date, but trust Century Status, and supporting documents
Adams, OR
1 mile Adams, OR Adams, John W. Yes First house in 1865, no... Wheat; Cattle; Sheep Peas; Wheat No
Tuesday, April 28, 2015 2015
Application; Statement of affirmation; Farm history timeline; Family history narrative; Century farm letter; Email from Oregon Century Farm and Ranch Program; Copies of original homestead certificates; Excerpt from "History of Adams, Volume II"; Excerpt from "History of Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington"; Copies of photographs; Letter; Satellite photographs of property
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP great grandson Maine 2
CFR1195 Benjamin Schuster Kerns Kerns Ranches 1899 4,000.00 1,800.00 1,800 original, 300 Ft Klamath and 3,000 in CA No No Yes
9350 Hwy 66, Klamath Falls, OR 97601
7 Klamath Falls E.G. Kerns Ranches LLC No Cattle and grass hay Cattle, alfalfa hay, grass... No
Family history, photos, legal documents
No Yes OSU great, great grandson New Jersey 2
CFR1211 Download Application (PDF) Century Ranch Kilkenny, John F. KilKenny Ranch 1914 20,000.00 8,100.00 8100 No No Yes
Land sale deeds
79074 Hwy 74 Heppner OR 97836
9 miles Heppner, OR Kilkenny, John No No original buildings stand... Alfalfa; Wheat; Cattle; Sheep Alfalfa; Conservation; Wheat... No
Thursday, April 17, 2014 2014
Application; Statement of affirmation; Family and ranch history narrative; Map of property; Deed records; Article "Shamrocks and Shepherds; The Irish of Morrow County"; Copies of photographs; Digital photographs
Yes Yes MSS ORCFRP Grandson Leitrim, Ireland Irish 1
